It was a rainy day today, so I went downstairs to frown at the nonlayout, my kludge of three cobbled-together benches standing in a loose u-shaped formation. How sad, I thought, that I didn’t have the forethought to make this bigger from the start. Expanding it now would be a real bitch. I went ahead and moved things around to start expanding it anyway.
The two-foot extension went against the wall, about two feet away from the original bench and roughly twelve inches to the left. I left the three-foot island attached as planned, forming an L-shaped island. Now that it’s further from the original bench, there’s more aisle space. I’ll just have to dink around with some kind of extension to joing the two together, but as I mentioned before, it’s a kludge already, so what the heck.
Then I made a run to Menard’s and came back with twenty-four feet of pine cleating and cut it up for stringers, which I spent the rest of the afternoon gluing up in the three-foot island to finish off the bench work.