I finally bagged a couple of #5 switches in an e-bay auction. They're a lot harder to find that I would have thought. Lots of people post #4's and #6's but hardly ever a #5. For all the time I've put into waiting for one, I probably would've come out ahead just buying it new.
The #5 came in the mail last week, so this is the first weekend I've had a whole afternoon to myself to plot the geometries needed to make the turnoff into the commissary yards in the foreground.
I carefully pinned down the cork roadbed to use as a guide, traced it with a china marker, then spread caulk adhesive in the outlines with a putty knife. The caulk has a high enough tack to hold the cork in place without making me pin it again.
Besides laying out the commissary yards I ran the other end of the roadbed a little further toward the future site of the terminal.