I topped off the bench work with a layer of medium-density board, and covered it with a layer of acoustic tiles. If this doesn't make for a quiet-running layout, screw it. At this point, I'm committed to laying track.
I spray-painted the tiles with some red primer (Number Two Son says it's pink; whatever) because they were so white it hurt my eyes. I wanted some kind of undercoat to make landscaping easier. The cap on the spray can looked like a dirty brown and it was cheap. So it's a salmon color. Oh, well.
I fixed the tiles to the MDB with a tube of latex adhesive caulk. There was just enough in the one tube to lay it on thick. After the tiles were all laid down, I spackled the joints to leave a more-or-less level surface, then walked away for the rest of the day to let it dry.
Later in the day, I finally won an e-bay auction for a Shinohara double crossover after stalking the auctions for three weeks. With any luck at all I'll be laying track before next weekend.