Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bridgebuilding continues

The kludge goes on as I bridge the gap between the two-foot extension (in the background) and the original bench work (in the extreme foreground).

The approach is straightforward and, for once, no screws or power drills have been used. All the pieces are glued into place.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Boxing Day Update

One of the steamers poses for a photo on newly-laid track.

Clearances are a bit close, but still the long passengers cars manage to slip past one another.

Today's impulse bade me work on the long-overdue bridge so the yard throat can cross to the main bench. Track will come round the curve on the extension along the wall to the bench in the foreground where the as-yet notional terminal will be built.

The bridge is a kludge like the rest of the bench work, but it's turned out okay in spite of my questionable abilities as a carpenter.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Laying Track on the LoCo

I still use carpenter's glue to fix the tracks to the roadbed ...

... and utilize the most high-tech methods at my disposal to spread it evenly, ensuring a high tack and consistent adhesion.

Track fixed to the roadbed and pinned into 24" S-curves, the approach to the yard throat and the station.

Back On Track

After a lapse of about nine weeks, for no reason other than I was pursuing other interests, I found myself with a few hours alone in the basement and satisfied the urge, which came out of nowhere, to lay down some cork roadbed and, just maybe, if I have enough time today, some track, too, although I don't want to get ahead of myself at this point.

I've always used white glue as an adhesive to fasted the roadbed before this but today I used an adhesive caulk, mostly because it was handy but also because I'd read that it was better than white glue. And it is, inasmuch as it's got enough tack to hold the cork in place that I don't have to pin it, although I did pin the ends to keep them bent around the curves.