Saturday, September 1, 2007

Turn, Baby, Turn!

A four-coupled Niagara can just barely squeak through this turn, which is so tight the main drivers of the engine are pressed to the absolute limits of their considerable side-to-side movement. At the tightest point of the curve, the driving rods thunk-thunk-thunk with each revolution of the wheels against the plastic body as the engine crawls along.

I tweaked this curve quite a bit trying to make a Shinohara switch with a #6 frog fit the curve, but it's simply not going to work. It needs at least a #5, or more probably a #4. To find out which will work best, I'll rip the track up, draw a curve with a 24" radius and measure the divergent route.

The plan called for a 24" radius in the first place. Moral: Develop a plan, then stick to it!

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